“See Me” Page

About Me

Dylan James Rogers

  • Born in Torrance, CA. Dec. 4, 1990.
  • Been on the move in CA & NY.
  • I like more things than I dislike.

Professional is on the Hire page.

“What is dylanjrogers.com?”

This is the personal website for Dylan James Rogers.

“And who is that?”

That’s me. I was born, then I did some things. I’m still alive, and still doing things. One of those things is this website. As you can see from the picture above, I wear glasses. My vision isn’t too bad, though. I’m white in that way that I have no idea who/what/how I am, but I’m also sure someone does know these things. I’m a guy, and I like most things, so— Sometimes I have that stubble-length facial hair, but other times I don’t. It’s all good to me. My ears are abnormally small for my head, which isn’t apparent in this picture. It’s more obvious in-person. I think that just about covers everything.

“Why not just use Facebook?”

I’d prefer not to use Facebook for my personal life. I messed with alternatives for a time, but nothing really worked for me. I thought on it some more.

So— this is my digital identity. It’s a photo album, a journal, a blog. It’s a professional profile, a personal profile, a social profile. It’s the connect. At least, that’s the idea.

If you want to know more about me, just contact me or catch up on some stuff. I’m more of an in-person type and private with my personal social media handles.

“Where have you been?”

After ECC, I attended Berkeley for my undergraduate degree. I came back to L.A. for a minute and then went to NYU for a graduate degree. Eventually, I came back to California and tried to make it work in the North Bay. It didn’t, so I decided to start over again in the Los Angeles area.

“What are you up to now?”

After attempting tutoring at ECC and some forays into the cannabis industry, I’ve found a high demand for freelance writers. However, freelancing is not something I would like to do forever, so I’m looking at something more permanent right now.

Rather than list my hobbies here, I think it would be more interesting to share them in posts.

“What’s good / what are your plans?”

I have a few trips planned for the holidays that I’m really looking forward to. Then, in 2020, I’m starting a paralegal program. Coupled with the graduate degree, getting the paralegal cert. will help me transition into the legal field. But that’s a little down the line.

There are plans in place for road trips, which I’ll post up here for those interested in scoping it out.

Eli Jackson

When a Dothraki child

learns to build robits,

you get my brother.

Ryan & Kelly

We can do it.

Do you believe?


I’ll introduce the rest of my family soon. Still gathering the best baby pictures.