“Hire Me” Page

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If you’re here to potentially hire me, chances are you already have a copy of my resume. In that case, you’re probably here to learn something more about me.

I subscribe to the idea that seeking new experiences and perspectives is necessary to understand what motives people. Driving through the unexpected and unfamiliar is second-nature to me. Adaptable and unflinching, I’m accustomed to overcoming new challenges and obstacles.

My diverse work experiences equip me to succeed in connecting with diverse audiences, from highly-engaged tech-readers to underground gardeners of Luddite influence. I look forward to collaborating with those that share my passion and work ethic, challenging each other as we build and grow together.

Download samples of my portfolio and check those out to get a picture of who I am.

To access my portfolio and samples of academic work, see the Research & Scholarship page.

For a full account of my marketing and branding expertise, visit the Marketing & Branding page.

Contact me via email to see my full history of work experience.