

There are many unexplained mysteries surrounding paranatural anomalies and their properties. Scientists and research staff with the FBC have cataloged many of these mysteries and continue to study them. However, our best efforts to understand the unknown are imperfect and incomplete.

In spite of the difficulties to harness the paranormal and bind them to the strictures of human scientific and linguistic understanding, the Bureau has made a great deal of progress in understanding one particular form of anomalous activity: resonance.


The year was ████. Resonance was first identified by research staff when investigations began into the █████████████ opened by the Slide Projector OoP. When the teams entered the slidescape, they found that they were unable to speak. More accurately, their attempts to speak did not produce audible vibrations. Research staff conducted preliminary tests to determine that investigative teams could not create audible sound waves or frequencies using their vocal cords. Radio transmissions were equally affected by the slidescape’s “atmosphere,” interfering with our ability to communicate with investigative teams back at home base.

However, the teams did detect sound, within the audible range, that appeared to originate from somewhere deep within the slidescape. It was detectable at a near-constant volume, regardless of the distance traveled by the teams.

After multiple excursions into the slidescape, Bureau investigators finally discovered the source of the vibrations resonating throughout the atmosphere of the anomalous location — ██████.

When ██████ was discovered, the teams investigating the slidescape brought the anomalous entity back to the Oldest House for proper study.


Resonance is a form of anomalous energy that manifests as vibrations, often producing frequencies and sound waves within the audible range of human detection. It can be studied and manipulated, although researchers have been unable to recreate or produce entirely new forms of resonance.

Preliminary experiments involving ██████ revealed that it was, for all intents and purposes, a being composed entirely of resonance. The entity we had come to know as “██████” was merely a “shell,” container, or physical manifestation of the being in our measurable reality.

Since then, the FBC has established that resonance can be found in a number of forms. Anomalies can be composed entirely of measurable resonance. Some anomalies also emit low levels of resonance, while others are affected and manipulated by it. Every anomaly that has been tested for the presence of resonance has been shown to produce minute vibrations that create a low-level field of resonance, suggesting two possibilities. It is possible that resonance is responsible for creating paranormal anomalies. However, a more likely conclusion is that resonance is a byproduct of the anomalies themselves, much like the hume frequencies produced by the paranatural and manipulated by the SCP Foundation for containment purposes.

It is certainly possible that resonance is only associated or correlated with specific anomalies; it appears that altered items share a peculiar connection to resonance. The true properties and functions of resonance are still unknown, but we are quickly learning more about this anomaly and how it interacts with known physics.

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Not everyone has the same level of susceptibility to the influence of resonance and resonance-based anomalies. In the Protective Studies department, Bureau employees can submit to a battery of tests upon request to determine their Resonance Extranormal Amplification Level. These tests ascertain a subject’s ability to conduct resonance, which directly correlates to confirmed cases of resonance-based intrusions. Our team can get you the protection you need in order to stay safe while you manage your responsibilities.