Groups of Interest

Groups of Interest

Anderson Robotics

Based in the Pacific Northwest, Anderson Robotics first came to SCP Foundation’s attention in 2007 with the capture of SCP-████. The Federal Bureau of Control first learned of Anderson Robotics early in Jan. 2017 when the Obama administration implemented the long-awaited Executive Order 12333, which effectively empowered the NSA to share intelligence with the appropriate executive agencies. Lead by Vincent Anderson, and specializing in the sale of anomalous androids, robots, artificial intelligence, and cybernetics, Anderson Robotics quickly gained a fair amount of traction in the realm of paratechnology. The group’s small size, remarkable espionage capabilities, and surprisingly large resource base has made apprehension of any Anderson employee difficult, with only a handful of Anderson products currently in the hands of the U.S. government.

The FBI’s Unusual Incidents Unit has been investigating Anderson Robotics since the discovery of Three Portlands in ████. Operating outside of executive branch oversight, U.S. intelligence agencies and organizations have improved their capabilities to observe and track the activities of Anderson Robotics thanks to EO 12333. However, U.S. agencies maintain their respective jurisdictions and the FBC has typically only studied and observed Anderson Robotics while the FBI’s UIU continues to lead all investigative efforts.

Chaos Insurgency

The Chaos Insurgency is a splinter group of the SCP Foundation, created by a rogue cell that went A.W.O.L. with several anomalous objects in 1924. Since then, the Insurgency has become a major player on the world stage, using the anomalies that it obtains for its own benefit and to consolidate its global power base. The Insurgency not only deals in anomalies, but also in weapons running and intelligence gathering.

Most of the anomalous objects possessed by the Insurgency are unknown. Among the most notable items are the “Staff of Hermes,” an item capable of warping the physical and chemical properties of any matter it touches, and the “Bell of Entropy,” an object that can cause a variety of destructive effects depending on where it is struck. Both of these objects were originally obtained at no small cost by the SCP Foundation, and were stolen by the original founders of the Insurgency.

The SCP objects and other anomalies stolen from the Foundation typically possess high potential for direct utility, but the Insurgency has also made use of anomalies with less direct applications, such as SCP-884.

The main base of operations of the Insurgency is unknown, as are its current leaders. This organization is directly antagonistic to the SCP Foundation, using deadly force to attempt to prevent Foundation containment of multiple anomalies. The FBC and the SCP Foundation have also been infiltrated by agents of the Insurgency in the past, resulting in the loss of valuable scientific data, theft of a number of anomalies, and deaths of personnel.

FBC personnel are to be made aware of possible raids, terrorist action, and spies from the Insurgency, and are to notify their superiors about any activities from fellow personnel fitting the Insurgency behavioral profile.

Chicago Spirit

During the early 20th century, the Chicago Spirit was the largest anomalous criminal organization in the Western hemisphere. Based in Chicago, Illinois, the group’s influence extended to most major cities in the United States, particularly New York, Boston, New Orleans, and the extradimensional city-state of Three Portlands. The Spirit was known for recruiting individuals with anomalous capabilities, as well as creating and exploiting anomalous artifacts for use in its criminal activities.

The Spirit was founded in 1895 by Chicago resident and bar owner Richard D. Chappell, who was himself an anomalous individual. Despite years of efforts, the FBI’s UIU remained largely unsuccessful in its attempts to suppress Chappell’s rise to power, due in part to its limited resources at the time as a result of an ongoing internal crisis. In January of 1919, the UIU and allied organizations officially suspended all opposition against the Chicago Spirit to ensure their cooperation in preventing the spread of SCP-2680. Once allowed to operate unimpeded, the Spirit flourished into a nationwide syndicate and eventually became a driving force in the illegal distribution of alcohol during the Prohibition Era.

Thanks to the success of its bootlegging businesses, the Chicago Spirit continued to amass power over North American markets and politics throughout the 1920s, and the United States government was eventually forced to terminate its truce with the group in order to prevent the complete dissolution of consensus normalcy. On July 11th, 1933, Richard Chappell was finally apprehended by covert U.S. and SCP Foundation operatives following a raid on the Spirit’s base of operations. In the absence of its leader, the group gradually destabilized, and most of its members and assets were acquired by other organizations. As of 1938, the Foundation officially considers the Chicago Spirit to be defunct.

However, rumors of the Spirit’s continued survival have persisted in subsequent decades.
Various artifacts have been discovered which imply the group’s involvement, though a conclusive link has yet to be proven. Furthermore, recent evidence has revealed the emergence of a new syndicate calling itself “The Chicago Spectre”, which seems to operate primarily in anomalous underground communities. Investigations into this group and its connections to the original Spirit (if any) are ongoing.

Church of the Broken God

Shortly after the discovery and containment of the anomaly known as SCP-882, several members of this “church” came forward and demanded the return of “the heart of god”. Led by one Robert Bumaro, they are a group of zealots, believing many of the anomalous items to be parts of a “god” that was broken after the creation of the universe. By restoring it to its whole state, they will also gain godhood. Since first contact was made, three other key components of the “god” have also been tentatively identified: SCP-217, SCP-271 and SCP-1139.

This organization is extremely hostile to paranormal organizations (such as the SCP Foundation, FBI’s UIU, and others), branding them “heretics”, and will attempt to kill operatives and break containment of anomalous items. It is unknown how they are able to detect these items, but they have shown their ability to do so with frightening accuracy. In addition, they have shown a remarkable ability to resist the mental effects of anomalous objects, notably SCP-882 and its “mental lure”.

The Church is viewed as a threat to both consensus normalcy and mankind. Members are to be detained by force or eliminated by whatever means deemed necessary by government agents.

Deer College

Deer College is a coeducational liberal arts and occult sciences college in the heart of scenic Three Portlands, an extra-dimensional city-state located adjacent to the American Northwest, Northeast, and Southern England; with a curriculum that focuses on the marriage of mundane and occult disciplines and a well-regarded Anart program, Deer College is often seen as the liberal arts counterpart to its GOC-sponsored rival across town, ICSUT Portlands. A number of prominent figures in the anomalous world are Deer alumni, including Vincent Anderson, the CEO of Anderson Robotics, and Esther “lesbian_gengar” Kogan, one of the co-founders of Gamers Against Weed.

Considering that the operations of paranormal organizations in Three Portlands are heavily restricted by a number of agreements with the FBI’s Unusual Incidents Unit, Deer College itself is relatively free of outside intervention; however, all Deer alumni are automatically marked as persons of interest and may be subject to increased investigative scrutiny.

Fifth Church

The Fifth Church, also known as the Church of Fifthism or the Fifthist Fellowship, is a highly secretive religious organization that possesses ties throughout the entertainment industry. Despite repeated investigations, culminating in the 2007 nationwide sting known as “Operation Stargazer”, no further details regarding its doctrines, its practices, its number of members, or its goals have been confirmed, although a watchlist is maintained of 100 confirmed and suspected Fifthist celebrities and other prominent personalities. Its origins have been placed in varying points in the mid-20th Century and various locations in North America and Asia, but some sources have dated it to centuries earlier.

The Fifth Church has never communicated directly with the FBC, but is to be considered a hostile force.

Global Occult Coalition

The GOC was created in the aftermath of WWII, from the remnants of defecting occultists, psychics, priests, and scientists from Nazi, Soviet, and Allied states, brought together and formed by the Allies. As the world stage broadened, so too did the number of countries that had their hands in the GOC, until it became what it is today.

The GOC is a largely political force, seeing themselves as the police of the paranormal world. They pride themselves on destroying supernatural entities and make use of the most high-tech experimental technology possible obtained from their benefactors. Many anomalies have been destroyed by them before the FBC could obtain them to further study them for the purposes of ultimately controlling them.

The GOC has been both on the side of the FBC and against it at times, depending on the situation. They largely hold the FBC in contempt for their use and containment of anomalous objects rather than their out-and-out destruction. The GOC has respected the United States’ formidable might enough to leave it mostly alone, although there have been some questionable incidents with which the GOC has explicitly denied involvement.

Agents of the GOC are to be treated with suspicion.

GRU Division “P”

Originally known as the ЧД АКН (“ChD AKN”, or Fourth Department Abnormal Occurrences Commission), it was established in early 1935 by direct decree of J. V. Stalin, its first task being the investigation of the murder of S. M. Kirov.

During WWII, the Commission expanded into the newly reorganized GRU as Division “P” – Psychotronics, working to counteract anomalous threats from the SS, Ahnenerbe, and the Vatican, and to capture and study anomalous artifacts both at home and abroad for the benefit of the Soviet government. Division “P” has carried on with this role throughout the Cold War, making FBC operations in the countries of the Comintern difficult.

After 1991, rapid restructuring, coupled with budget cuts and the decommissioning or sale of significant assets, resulted in numerous defections of their personnel and the flooding of the European black market with anomalous items formerly in their possession. A significant proportion of both Chaos Insurgency and Marshall, Carter, & Dark operatives in Eastern Europe originated from GRU Division “P” ranks. Currently, this Group of Interest poses little direct threat to the FBC.

Horizon Initiative

The Horizon Initiative is an organization created in the late 1960s by various influential sects in the main three Abrahamic religions as a response to the growing number of anomalous activities and groups which they perceived as threats. Though the full extent of their goals is uncertain, the Horizon Initiative is known to target anomalous objects, either with the intention of retrieving or destroying them, depending on each item’s perceived place in their dogma.

The Initiative is led by a tribunal composed of leaders from the three largest sects involved in its creation, though a large amount of internal strife often leaves the official leadership in less than full control of the organization. The HI’s main combat force, Project Malleus, is generally deployed in anti-cult operations and in FBC retrieval operations.

The Initiative’s relations with most other Groups of Interest and the SCP Foundation seems to be in a state of constant flux; while all parts of the HI perceive the Church of the Broken God and Fifth Church with a great degree of hostility (and at times engaging them in armed conflict), sentiments toward the FBC, SCP Foundation, and the GOC vary greatly, from open hostility to a limited willingness to cooperate, depending on the internal affiliation of individual members.

Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd.

A “club” based in London, England. Catering to the super-rich and with extensive political and financial ties worldwide, this group has caused extensive problems for the Foundation. Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. is known for collecting rare and obscure items, along with providing its members the most exclusive, expensive, and rare experiences available.

These activities have resulted in conflict with the paranormal organizations, including the FBC, on numerous occasions. The group is not known for the use of force; they prefer to apply extreme financial and political pressure to achieve their goals. When forced to use more direct means, Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. employs outside agents, and it is very difficult to connect said agents to the organization.

Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. has repeatedly threatened the veil of consensus normalcy, primarily through the use of money or social pressure. Several reports, records, and even items have been leaked by FBC personnel who had been approached with large amounts of money, or threats of extensive jail time or torture. Notably, three containment sites were almost brought to public attention after the FBC refused access to members of Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd.

Information pertaining to Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd., such as the name of the director or even a list of members, has proven very difficult to acquire. Agents encountering members of this group are advised to maintain a cover story and not, for any reason, reveal FBC ties or information on anomalous objects.

Oneiroi Collective

Information about the Oneiroi Collective has come to the FBC only through analysis and interviews or the anomalous objects they leave behind. It is believed to be a collective consciousness of dreaming persons and dream-based entities.

Intelligence has shown that they have been documented by other Groups of Interest, usually to a degree similar to the FBC’s records. The Oneiroi Collective is apparently capable of contacting even highly isolated entities (e.g. the Board). Their goals, if any exist, are currently unknown.

Sarkic Cults

Sarkicism is a religious/philosophical system that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs, and spiritual practices largely based on teachings attributed to “Grand Karcist Ion,” its deified founder. Adherents practice ritual cannibalism, human sacrifice, corporeal augmentation, thaumaturgy, and dimensional manipulation. Highly secretive, the general public appears to have no direct knowledge of their existence; the one exception being the Church of the Broken God, whose members view Sarkics in apocalyptic terms. Organic manipulation has allowed certain Sarkicites to achieve anomalous states of being, transcending the physical limitations of baseline humans. They view disease with reverence and Sarkic shrines have been discovered with offerings of swollen lymph nodes and tumorous growths. Sarkic cults treat contagion as consecration, a means to “cull the weak” and purify the masses, and thus actively seek to ensure their proliferation.

The FBC divides known Sarkic cults into two distinct strands: Proto-Sarkic and Neo-Sarkic. Proto-Sarkic cults can be found in insular communities throughout Eurasia’s most isolated regions. Proto-Sarkic members are generally poor (if self-reliant) and hostile towards outsiders. Such groups eschew modernity, display acute technophobia, and are bound by superstition and taboo. In contrast, Neo-Sarkic cults are cosmopolitan, publicly embracing modernity and showing no apparent qualms with technology; their public lives differing little from others of their culture and social status. Adherents are primarily affluent families, rich in history and scandal.

Ultimately, we only know a fraction of what Sarkicism is and what its followers intend. Based on the available information, the speculated goals of Sarkic cults represent a global dominance shift, including the possibility of a catastrophic end-of-the-world scenario.

SCP Foundation

As a multinational NGO with unanimous backing from the United Nations Security Council, the SCP Foundation is a sprawling organization with a mission to secure and contain paranormal anomalies to protect humanity from the threats they pose to consensus normalcy. Operating clandestine and worldwide, the SCP Foundation operates beyond jurisdiction, empowered and entrusted with the task of containing anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena. These anomalies pose a significant threat to global security by threatening either physical or psychological harm.

The SCP Foundation operates to maintain normalcy, so that the worldwide civilian population can live and go on with their daily lives without fear, mistrust, or doubt in their personal beliefs, and to maintain human independence from extraterrestrial, extradimensional, and other extranormal influence.

While the motives, procedures, and actions of the SCP Foundation have been subject to suspicion within the FBC and at the highest levels of the United States government, internal disagreements over jurisdictional authority have persisted. Through negotiations with the SCP Foundation, the FBC has established an agreement with the Foundation. This agreement, with the approval of the Board, established procedures for sharing intelligence and research on anomalies, delineated jurisdictional authorities, and establish specialized working groups to advance our collective understanding of the unknown.

This agreement with the SCP Foundation has proven invaluable in maintaining consensus normalcy and order among organizations that study paranatural anomalies. Any threat to the agreement should be met with extreme suspicion, as a threat to this agreement equally threatens the stability that has flourished in its wake.

Serpent’s Hand

The Serpent’s Hand is a small but formidable organization responsible for several security breaches. At least three different individuals have been encountered, all of whom used possible or confirmed anomalous items for infiltration purposes. The total members belonging to this organization is unknown, as is their level of technology, the number of anomalies in their possession, and the threat level they pose to organized society. However, it is clear they are highly coordinated and possibly dangerous.

The FBC currently has very little information about the Serpent’s Hand, and almost all known information about the Serpent’s Hand has been leaked from the GOC intelligence. The group seems to embrace the use and existence of paranormal items — including humanoid and sentient anomalies. The Serpent’s Hand has been highly vocal in criticizing the containment and destruction of these anomalies, especially those which are fully human and are not particularly destructive.

The group appears to have unfriendly relations with the Chaos Insurgency and an extremely hostile relationship with the GOC. The only recorded cases of unprovoked violence by Serpent’s Hand members have been against GOC agents.

The apparent headquarters of the Serpent’s Hand is the Wanderers’ Library, a building accessed through portals found in many different parts of the world. Direct assaults carried out by the GOC on the Library have so far proven unsuccessful, even when entrance could be found. However, initial intelligence seems to suggest the Hand has little understanding or control over the location. FBC researchers hypothesize that this location is a Place of Power, which would explain why the Serpent’s Hand has proven unable to entirely exert control over the Library.

Three Moons Initiative

The Three Moons Initiative is an extradimensional human military organization based in SCP-2922-C, an afterlife referred to as Corbenic by SCP Foundation officials. Through a partnership with the Corbenese deity JALAKÅRA, they act as a multi-dimensional security force for the protection of the human race.

While Initiative personnel believe that they’re operating in humankind’s best interests, military overreach, poor communication, issues with internal bureaucracy, and other factors — combined with their disproportionately high military strength to our own — have made them a potential liability to public safety in our dimension.

As such, they maintain an unstable peace with the United States government. Operatives of the Three Moons Initiative are to be treated with extreme caution and should not be approached under any circumstances.

Unusual Incidents Unit, Federal Bureau of Investigation

The Unusual Incidents Unit was formed after the onset of the Cold War, when many aspects of the American government were focused on utilizing the anomalous and preventing the communists from doing the same. This led to the creation of a special FBI division devoted to investigating paranormal events and crimes. Director J. Edgar Hoover was personally involved with their creation.

Although initially given significant funding and resources by the American Government following the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of enemy organizations such as the GRU-P, the UIU had been in a state of decline for many years.

Disparagingly referred to as “X-Files” and “UIUseless” by the larger anomalous community, the agency is generally well-meaning. However, due to a lack of financial resources, manpower, and bureaucratic obstruction by the U.S. government, it is often perceived as ineffective. That being the case, the influence of the FBC, SCP Foundation, and Global Occult Coalition in the United States government has assisted the UIU and other defense divisions such as from being dissolved entirely.¹

Government personnel and Special Agents who join the Unusual Incidents Unit often have backgrounds in psychology, STEM fields, and art studies. As part of the PATRIOT Act, agents of the unit are required to be administered Personalized Memetic Silencing Agents (PMSA, colloquially referred to as ‘gag orders’ by agents of the UIU) to avoid leaks.

The Unusual Incidents Unit has been known to engage in combat alongside and against various anomalous organizations in the past, including participating in several combat operations under SCP Foundation supervision in the 1950s and 1960s, and the “Black Mamba” incident in Afghanistan in 1976, an infamous skirmish between UIU agents and members of GRU-P.

Currently, a division of the Unusual Incidents Unit oversees the autonomous anomalous state of Three Portlands. An example of underfunding and understaffing in the Unusual Incidents Unit can be seen in its sole remaining division in the Midwestern United States.

Wilson’s Wildlife Solutions

Wilson’s Wildlife Solutions is a publicly funded paranormal wildlife service based in Clackamas County, Oregon, specifically in the town of Boring. Although the SCP Foundation has known of Wilson’s Wildlife Solutions’ existence and anomalous affiliations since 1999, it took nine years until the Ursus Maritimus Incident in 2008, for their existence to be officially recognized and a relationship established between the two groups. Currently, the Boring Agreement outlines that Wilson’s Wildlife Solutions should be supervised by MTF Beta-4 (“Castaways”), local to Site-64, and that they may handle containment of Safe or Euclid fauna based- anomalies with varying degrees of SCP Foundation intervention (on a case to case basis). Amendments to the Boring Agreement address gaps in enforcement and investigation of anomalies in the Three Portlands location.

The FBC first learned of Wilson’s Wildlife Solutions after President Obama signed EO 12333 in early Jan. 2017. Since then, the FBC has sought increased cooperation with Wilson’s Wildlife Solutions in consultation with the FBI’s UIU and the SCP Foundation. Through their own agreements involving these four organizations, the UIU and SCP Foundation have maintained jurisdiction in the American Northeast while inviting FBC agents to assist in the investigations of Altered World Events, anomalous items, and dangerous paranormal entities.

  1. Among the select few divisions that address paranormal anomalies are the U.S. Air Force’s 616th Squadron (“Roswell’s Revengers”) and U.S. Navy SEAL Team Bravo Papa Romeo Delta.