Research Sector Rundown

Research Sector Rundown

Central Research

Accessed via the (South) Sector Elevator, Central Research is the main hub of administrative activity in the Research Sector. Here, research employees collate and file data in research archives, manage internal sector reports, and begin fact-finding inquiries.

Data archives and servers are located in the basement level of Central Research, accessed via the North Elevator.


Parapsychology is a multi-level site of high-level research activities and studies.

Here, scientists conduct research on the psychic connections to parnatural anomalies, the properties of these relationships, and attempt to understand how to control these elements.

Included under the Parapsychology department is the Extrasensory Lab, Hypnosis Lab, and Astral Exhibition.

Extrasensory Lab

A now-defunct laboratory, the Extrasensory Lab was once used by Bureau researchers in early studies concerning the Astral Plane.

Based on amateur theories regarding the benefits and effects of extrasensory deprivation tanks, our staff utilized these technologies to explore possible applications as they relate to the astral projection and parautilitarians.

The tanks are now primarily used by FBC staff in their downtime to unwind.

Hypnosis Lab

Much like the Extrasensory Lab, the Hypnosis Lab was once used by Bureau research staff to investigate connections between the human psyche and the Astral Plane.

It has been repurposed and is today used as a break room for Sector employees.

Astral Exhibition

The Astral Exhibition was constructed to emulate the environment of the Astral Plane for training purposes.

The Astral Plane environment is very much unlike our reality and, as such, those that entered the Plane often complained of migraines and vertigo. The exhibit was created to train investigative teams and prepare them for exploration.

It is currently being used to contain an anomaly that appears to have escaped from the Astral Plane, known as the Astral Spike.


As a counterpoint to pyschic or metaphysical forces interacting with paranatural anomalies, the Parakinesiology department studies the measurable laws of physics that inform our understanding of anomalies.

Here, scientists perform experiments on anomalies to gather data on their unique properties and effects.

Ritual Division

The Ritual Division includes a number of offices and departments: Protective Studies, the Luck & Probability Lab, and the Synchronicity Lab.

Broadly, this division studies the various methods of managing, controlling, and containing paranatural anomalies by deploying a series of procedures or patterns, sometimes known as rituals.

Synchronicity Lab

One method for inducing or influencing paranatural anomalies involves synchronicity, which is studied in the Synchronicity Lab. Here, Bureau scientists perform experiments that contribute to our database of known synchronistic actions or conduct.

AI60-UE is currently contained in the Synchronicity Lab and undergoing experimentation. All investigative teams exploring the environment of AI60-UE are to report to research leads in the Ritual Division prior to departure.

Luck & Probability Lab

Luck is a very misunderstood concept in the world of paranatural research. In the Luck and Probability Lab, Bureau researchers draw the line between everyday coincidence and anomalous, meaningful occurrences with no causal connection.

Scientists in this department explore how to reproduce the effects of “luck” and apply those principles to research endeavors here at the FBC.

Protective Studies

The department of Protective Studies conducts collects data and conducts research on the methods and means of exercising rituals in addition to the practical “defensive” applications of anomalies.

This department has been known for having a close relationship to the anomalous, often recommending that the Bureau adopt the usage of paranormal items as part of their general standard operating procedures and containment procedures.

While the FBC has generally shied away from using anomalous objects to assist in containing the paranatural, the influence of the department of Protective Studies on the FBC is undeniable.


The Hedron Resonance Amplifier (HRA) Lab is where Dr. Darling conducts highly classified research on resonance-based anomalies in order to explore and develop possible protective applications of resonance-based technologies.

This laboratory is the home of HRA manufacturing, which is currently producing HRAs at an accelerated pace in order to meet the needs of FBC staff.